
crime junkie.
I love their humane approach to true crime.

Family Vacation

THE OUTER BANKS.  ALL THE beach, none of the crowds!

Ice Cream Flavor

TURKEY HILL MINT chocolate chip.  It's green, so you know it's real.

A Few of My Faves

I love 90's music and 60's musicals. I'm known to break out song lyrics and movie quotes in conversations and I Rick Rolled my husband and all of our wedding guests during our ceremony. All these years later, I'm totally glad I did it.
I can't make sourdough bread. I can't even keep track of the days enough to make the starter correctly so I'm in awe of anyone who can. But, according to my youngest, I make the "world's greatest" butter cream icing, and that feels pretty special.

I'm crazy about my dogs in a way that only millennials know how to be. My English Setter, Birdie, is my shadow, and quite possibly the biggest a-hole on the block, but she's my a-hole and I love her. My Baxter is a foster fail and the best boy to ever walk the planet. He was just born knowing how to dog.

Comedy is my love language. Some might argue it was my first language. I was the kid in trouble because the sarcasm came out of my mouth faster than my brain told me to stop. Laughter and comedy is truly the center of who I am, how I view the world, and how I communicate with it.

Moral of the story: I hope you like Shenanigans. 

I'm Taylor

wife, mama, elder millennial, name that tune champ.


fun facts about me


I've been a Girl Scout Leader, a PTA President, a dog foster mom, and a birthday cake baker.  If there is something I can do to help my community, I cannot say no.

I'm a chronic volunteer

I love power tools and DIY projects like whoa and will gladly come paint your house or replace your garbage disposal for fun.

I'm a wannabe Mrs. Fix-it

He is the smartest, kindest, most generous human I know and he tolerates me and my shenanigans on the daily!  I am so proud of and grateful for him.

I married my best friend. for real.

WHAT!?  That's not a fun fact!
Ok, maybe not, but it's become a huge part of who am I am and an endless source of self deprecating jokes.  I'm thankful for amazing hearing aid tech, and a family willing to learn ASL with me this summer.

I am losing my hearing.