Why Everyone Need Family Photos

Parenting is a wild ride! Sleepless nights, determined toddlers, sassy tweens. When every day seems to blend into the next, capturing special moments with your loved ones becomes so important. Today, let’s chat about family photography and uncover the reasons why freezing those fleeting moments in time is not just a nicety but an essential part of your parenting adventure.

Time Flies, Memories Stay

As parents, we often find ourselves in disbelief at how quickly our little ones grow up. One moment, they’re taking their first steps, and the next, they’re off to school. Each stage of your child’s life is unique and comes with amazing and specific things you will want to remember. For example, when my youngest, Valerie, was three years old, she took ballet classes. For about six months, she didn’t walk anywhere- she danced her way through each location. Over that six months, I made sure to take a few sneaky pictures of her dancing in the living room, or the kitchen, and now keep them tucked away with her tiny ballet slippers (she had the smallest feet ever!) to remember that sweet little phase of Valerie. Family photography acts as a time machine, allowing you to pause the clock and relive those precious moments.

Family Photos are a glimpse into the past

There comes a point when your children want to look at pictures of themselves from “when they were little”. For my oldest, Ella, when she hit 16, she started to talk about photos from when she was a little kid, flipping through photo albums recalling moments from a happy and fun filled childhood. She is six years older than Alex, and seven years older than Valerie, so she truly loves to look back at each phase of us as a family of three, four, and then five and remember things that we did together or what it was like each time a new baby joined the house.

It’s not even just your kids. As Ella approaches 17, I find myself feeling incredibly nostalgic. I look back at her baby photos often and remember her big smile, the way she smelled, and how she seemly didn’t sleep for the first six months of her life!

Learn more about family photos with Taylor Verner Photography

Create Lasting Traditions

Make family photos a tradition – an annual event that brings everyone together. Whether it’s a holiday card photoshoot or a yearly family portrait, these rituals create a sense of unity and togetherness. If you talk about it like a fun, special day to play and be silly together, your children will instantly love it, and before you know it, they will be teens who have happy memories of having family photos taken.

My advice: Embrace Imperfection

Family photography isn’t about perfect poses and flawless smiles. It’s about capturing the authenticity of your family – the laughter, the tears, and everything in between. Embrace the imperfections, as they are the threads that weave the fabric of your family story. Those candid shots of chaos and laughter will bring back the warmth and love that filled your home. Some of my favorite photos are considered “outtakes”: Alex nearly sitting on a newborn Valerie, both of them piled on top of Ella while she looks practically smooshed, and me looking kind of exasperated at all three of them (plus Josh!) running completely amuck while I try to get a “serious” picture.

Technology and Family Photographers as Your Allies

In the age of smartphones, capturing family moments has never been easier. The convenience of having a camera at your fingertips means you can seize spontaneous moments without missing a beat. Embrace technology, but also consider investing in professional sessions for those special occasions. A skilled photographer can bring out the magic in your family dynamics, turning moments into timeless art.


In the roller coaster of parenting, there will be so many moments you want to remember. It is easy to let the days pass without documenting them, but I urge you to stop and take time for a photo. When we are old and forgetful, you will be so glad to have those photos to look back on. Your children will be so grateful that you preserved their childhood memories, and your grand children (I know I know… but eventually) will love looking at photos of their parents as little people.

Get the photos- for you, for your children, for your legacy. Life’s too amazing to not document.

Credit: Megan Gordan Photography

From planning to printing your amazing photos, I promise to give you a seamless, stress free experience that feels more like a playdate than a family photo session.

If you think I might be the Family Portrait Photographer for you, reach out below.

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